Registrered under Soc. Reg. 1206 G.B.B.S.D Dtd. 26.11.1999; B.P.T.F 27867 w.e.f. 02.07.2005

Affiliated to

33rd Maharashtra State Roller Sports CHAMPIONSHIP - 2023 (S.A.M) For Cadets Category

Certificate of Merit

Certificate No. : MAH / RS / 2023 /09747

Awarded to Ms. Kashish Pranav Kapadia

represented Mumbai Suburban District for Participating in the
33rd Maharashtra State Roller Sports Championship held from
19th November to 22nd November at Mumbai Roller Skating Speed event in the age group Above 17 - years, Female.

Inline Track Races

  • Rk5 500+D 2nd

Inline Road Races

  • Rd4 1 LAP 1st
  • Rd3 100 mts 3rd